Thanks for standing by

Photo from Canva

Thanks for standing by. It’s been a month again since I blogged last. I’ve been busy with the filmmaking course with assignments. When I have time, I never seem to have the time to do anything anyway. I sleep late, or I watch sports on TV. Or if I need to help my dad with something. If I don’t have anything to write, then I don’t. Thanks for staying. No matter what the reason is to be following this blog, thanks for doing so.

Looking at my blog stats and posts I’ve made in this blog, November seems to be a quiet month for me. At least in the 2020s. I don’t know what it is. People find this blog anyway, even if I haven’t written in a while. So thanks for that. I won’t bore you with that stats things.

I won’t say thanks to the job search world. You send an open application, but you still won’t get anything. No one seems to look for new employers. I’m supposed to send one job application each month. I can’t find anything, so it seems forced. The job suggestions I get are all wrong. I don’t know if I have the strength to both study and be at work. I have never done it, even if I have studied full-time. If I had my own business, I could work when I wanted, and I didn’t need to ask permission when I had to go to school. When you’re unemployed, you need to search for work at the same time. It’s challenging to find a job that lets you study at the same time. I just have to send open applications even if they don’t work. At least I’ve looked for work. That’s better than not doing it. I can at least concentrate on the school assignments in peace.

Thanks if you got this far; reading this. You can relax now. This is the end of this post.

In the year 2016


It’s that time of year when you reminisce the year that has passed. A lot has happened during the year in the world. Since this is a blog post and I write about things I like and my thoughts, I’m going to go down the memory lane. Luckily WordPress keeps stats so it’s easier to remember what I’ve written about. So here it goes. This is part 1.

Like any year, I don’t make any new years resolutions and I never plan ahead. Every year it’s the same, things happen you never thought would. Nothing is too obvious. Like Finland’s Juniors under 20 became world champions in ice hockey. Some of those players now have an NHL contract in their pockets. Personally I got a tablet and decided to join Instagram. Since I don’t have a smart phone, I’ve never been interested in it before.
In the end of the month my favorite tennis player, Novak Djokovice won his 11th Grand Slam in Australian Open.
The sad news was that pop icon David Bowie past away.

Most popular post: Boy bands and not so screaming fans

This month was quiet in my blog. I started a career coaching course which took all my time. In that course you learned about job searching and your own strengths. I wouldn’t say I learned anything new but it did give me a chance to get out of my comfort zone. Talking about comfort. Leonardo DiCaprio finally won an Oscar. He’s been nominated so many times and never won. No one deserves it more than him.

Most popular post: A blessing and a curse

March was the most difficult one. I was still on the career coaching course and we were suppose to go to companies to ask for a work practise place. I felt so worthless because it was so hard for me to pick up the courage and when I finally did, they said no can do. Then I called a stranger and got an interview in a digital marketing company but I didn’t meet the person I should. It was quite useless because I got a no can do again. At least I saw a famous Finnish actor in the company.
Thoughts of changing my blog and updating About me page came to mind. It also turned 3 years old even if I had been on WordPress much longer than that.

Most popular post: Envy in small doses

The career coaching was finally over and the job search continued as usual. But I had thoughts of becoming a student again. I thought about trying to get an internship but I skipped that idea.
Without even realising it, I began writing more about myself on my blog than I thought I would. But I’m not sorry at all.
Another pop icon surprisingly died, Prince. That was a shocker indeed.

Most popular post: Life is full of disappointments

Creative things is my thing so I wrote why. Two of my favorite TV shows were coming to an end, Bones and Person of interest so soon there’s nothing on TV. I began to write poems because sometimes The daily post have some interesting words that I never knew about before. I write poems when I have nothing else to write about. They just comes naturally as I go along.
Finland’s ice hockey team didn’t win gold in world championships but silver which was disappointing for a while.
The sad thing about this month was that someone on Tumblr thought a female Bond is not a bad idea. Where is this world going to.

Most popular post: I’m creative because I can

My birthday on June 2 but age is nothing but a number anyway. I got the best birthday present yet and that’s Novak Djokovic finally winning Roland Garros after trying 3 times before this. I followed his career since 2008 and saw his struggles but it finally paid of on June 5.
The 6th season of Game of Thrones ended after waiting for it almost a year. How fast it went.
I belonged to the city and got to see St. Petersburg in the end of the month. Sorry, still haven’t finished that post about the trip. I hope I can still remember how it went.

Most popular post: One Line Sunday- Understand this and The struggle within me

To be continued…
